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Saturday 28 May 2011

Healthy Skin Tips :

All you want healthy and clear skin of your face but many time we find very dull , unhealthy , pimples , oil , unclear skin and put alot make up but that also look great when your skin is healthy and clear by following some good tips we can keep skin healthy and flawless .

Care your skin : keep your skin clean and clear if you go out side wash your skin before going and after coming use sun block cream for sun light wash your face before going to bed .

Healthy Food : our diet plays important role to keep our skin healthy avoid much oily and fried foods try to cut down your your diet and more focus on healthy fresh food which include vitamins.

Sleep Well : Give good amount to your sleep if you dont sleep well that effect your skin , your skin become tired and afcourse set timing of your sleep avoid stress and keep relex and cool .

Excercise : Excercise helps also to keep your skin healthy because when you sweat it clear your skin plus your body is clear from external too and if you can not avoid the un healthy food then do more excercise .

Massage : it really helps to live and healthy your body cell so keep massage of your face with healthy creams always use tissue paper to clean your face avoid using hand specially when you have pimpals .

Drink : water always best for skin take drinking water about 8 glasses in a day that give you natural glow and clearity specially when your skin is damage water keep your skin hydrated and helps prevent acne .

Soap : clean your face with good quality soap that is matched with your skin .

Friday 27 May 2011

iphone tips and Tricks :

when you are on webpage you need to use your hand fully by going down and up for pages when you are at end of the page just click on upper side of webpage that will directly take you up side of page you do not need to use your hand many time when we are on website we use complete name of website like you do not need to do that just right google and press go button it will work automaticall if you website does not have .com than right the name of website and hold the .com button it will show all domains like net and org select one and press button .

if you want to save picture or screen shot of your screen just press and hold home button with sleep wait button at the same time your picture will save in camera find great pictures on internet and save for you.

you can keep search engine box on you browser's corner by going into the setting than your browser you have and than search engine options here select google that will come in the corner of your browser .

Bring webpage on your front screen with other menus go to website press plus button and select add home screen Google folder will come on your home screen now you can move your all others menus but when you delete this added Google on your screen your moving option will be end too .

Wednesday 25 May 2011

How to improve your blog to attract more traffic :

Every blog need good traffic to increase their earning and sales but not just traffic is important quality traffic or related traffic is more important if you have 1000 traffic but thery are irrelevant than there is no benefit but if you have half of 1000 and thery are relevant to your blog than there is more chances of increase your sales and earnings there are few good ways by which you can get good traffic .

Search Engines : Most important is search engines specially google it can give you huge traffic and quality traffic add in other search engines too .

Back Links : Back links is a good source also for traffic but it also help to increase your page rank in search engines .

Contents : Your contents should be quality one because google show title and some description by which users read than visit the site so us better contents in your blog .

Webmasters : use webmaster to show your site pages so search engines understand your pages well and easily and give your more detail about your keywords and your problems with your blog.

Association : make your blog association with other good rank site by showing your add , enter into forums , be a member etc it will quickly improve your ranking .

Blog directory : insert your blog in blog directory as much as possible it will give you good traffic and help to improve ranking.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Summer Tips :

Increase the quantity of your drinking water as body requirement increases.

Take more juices in summer lemon is very healthy for the body

Take more care of your skin do not go outsite before apply sun block cream , use face wash before going to bed.

Use light make up , and cosmetics that make you more perfect in summer and keep your skin well

Change your diet as in summer your consumption level increases if you are on diet than you need
to be change your diet .

Use light and easy dresses so you can give more better performance on your work avoid weighty and hard cloths.

Monday 23 May 2011

Release Your Stress

Stress is the part of our life whevever we are in problem , frustrated we have to pass from the stress most important stress is our job stress because of work load , co workers , supervisor but when we are in stress we can not do work properly , 2nd we are inviting many deasese in our life most common are headech ,sleeping , memory loss etc not just that most people does not know that they are in stress so for them it is very important to realize that by looking into many different parts of life like what they do not like , what is the thing which heart them more , at what thing they get more angry by looking those thing we can realize and control the stress.

if something is not in your favour try to get the solution of it not just keep sitting and worry about that problem it will increase your stress level .

stress usually kill your sleeping due to thinking again and again about the problem just think for while that you cannot solve it right now at any how than keep your problem for the next day and sleep well .

avoid bad thinking about future that something bad in your favour can be happen that thinking takes you in stress always keep positve thinking .

if someone doesnot like your work than try to give your hundred percent and better work not just keep sitting and worry for that .

Avoid sitting on desk for long time , make some round , do some exercise and be relax anc calm .

Avoid much sugar and caffeine on job that turn you in stress .

Saturday 21 May 2011

Face Whitening Tips :

Majority of people wants to white their face and many are very desperate for it and for that apply many creams and also many people who does not care about it they are happy with their own color or complex , many focus on just for the occassions so here are some tips derived for you

Massage help to glow your skin when your real skin complex is not here due to weather or pollution , any stress any reason could damange your skin then massage opens ur face dead cell and bring your real complex and grow to your skin with good vitamins cream should used in massage .

Face Mask are really effective tip for your skin whitting because it does into the deep of your face specially honey and almond mask in vegetables tomatoes mask is very best .

Use whitining soap whenever you wash face rather other soaps.

Different fase washes , creams , lotions are produce by companies for whitining but do not go for anyone use only good brands name and read carefully their ingredient and for what skin it is made .

Proper diet also play major role while using any formula or cream keep your diet good because with external improvement your internal system should remain good .

Thursday 19 May 2011

Increase your car life time tips and tricks :

Every one wants their car life remain long and remain in new good condition but for that you have to avoid certain bad things and follow the tips and tricks .

Take your car for maintenance every month do not get late for changing your engine oil use good quality oil wash your car after two week or in a month use wax for your car paint life and avoid daily washing of your car that can be bad for your car body .

Avoid heavey loads in your car if you feel some necessary work to be done than make two round of your car but dont add much stuff in your car .

Always drive car smoothly do not add pressure on engine when you start drive the car keep your car in slow speed for first few minutes of the drive .

Avoid fast driving , fast start up and using accelarating quickly that damage your car life

Avoid parking your car in sun if possible park your car in shade for that garage is best for your car parking if garage is not possible the car cover should be used .

Keep your air filter clean from dust that effect your car engine and fuel efficiency keep check after some time and if found with dust make it clear .

Get good car insurance it not just save you from accidents it also help you to maintain your car and you can easily repair the car through insurance .

Keep your car clean from inside use sun shelter for the mirror so your seat cover life remain long .

Tuesday 17 May 2011

How to Choose Colors for Your Eyes

Eyes are more attractive part in our face and if your eyelashes or lenses color suits on you it become more attractive and can easily attract anyone to you there is no hard and fast rule of eye lashes colors but some tips are here to make you more beautiful.

Match your eyelashes with your color eyes if you have blue color of eyes than any color will look good but use dark shades specially brown , chocolate color that will enhance your eyes gray and voilet is also good if you have green eyes than use purple , mastard or olive colors that will best match with your eyes and give natural look purple smoky eyeshadow is best for green or hazel eyes if your eyes colors are brown than contrast colors are best to use specialy green,purple and blue are best if you have gold flecks in your eyes you can try gold eyeshadow .

if you have small eyes and you want it to be larger than try to put your eye brows thinner , use light eye shadows and eyeliner , use curling mascara so your eyes will look bigger .

Sunday 15 May 2011

How do you Decore Children Room ?

Do you really feel that children room decoration is important and we should care when decore our house as we focus more on other rooms decoration many people does not feel this is important but it is the best time for children because this is the time of learning process where environment plays vital role so when we decore we should focus many things there is no hard and fast rule but as we use good and bright colors in the room because children like colors specially dark colors
can be two or three colors you can ask them what color they like some cartoon wallapers which always keep them happy some inspiring pictures in the room which teach and motivate them

keep stuffs in a room which they like to be with , give them a big storage spaces so they learn to take care of their stuffs if they ask for some items to be in room say them to save money for it but parents know more their children than others so set the room which is best for their children

Friday 13 May 2011

How household items used to organize your Stuff :

Organizing is very tough job specially our home we always want everything properly organized but many time we are frustrated that how stuff are kept safe and clean what should be the proper place for it many time we do not find right place and all stuff are flip and therefore we loss our stuff can not find on the right time when we look for some container or box to keep them these are much expensive for that some tip are selected by which you can keep your stuff safe and secure.

we have many empty box in our home which is used in past but now there is no more use like tissue paper roll , glasses box empty jar , ice cube try etc do not throw them you can use them by adding your small stuff in them as your jewellry , staitionary etc you can roll your wire on paper roll to keep it safe.

we have empty big container , show boxes , big plastic bags that are not being used here you can keep now big items on it so it can find easily on time and remain safe too.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Lip care Tips

lips are very sensitive part of the body it need more care specially women because they use make up and lipstick is used more and not just that weather effect come first on lips problem like dryness , dark lips are normal , every one wants natural pink color but it require more care and efforts avoid some habits and use some good tips.

keep high your water consumptions specially if you realize your lip is getting dry increase glasses of water now here do not be careless it could be the first step towords big damage .

Use good brand cream , lib balm dont forget when you go out specially in sunlight .

Avoid dust on lips always keep clean your lip when you remove lipstick wash it your lip .

Use energy vitamins through fruits and supplements.

Use homemade scrub because they are fully natural there is no harm .

Use vaseline in cold weather .

Use fingers tricks to set your dead cell of lips as you do on your face in massage.

Dark lip is a result of bad diet improve your diet and eat good and full of energy things like dates , honey , milk .

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Keep your Laptop safe :

Laptop usage has been increased quiet because it is easy to take with you and give better performance and easiness where you can sit anywhere with laptop but there is also certain thing that is necessary for laptops as it is a fragile product and expensive one compare to other computers we need to care it more so span of laptop life not reduce .

keep your laptop on cool place because it becomes more hot than other pcs for that use separate

external laptop fan specially if you are using your laptop on bed

keep your laptop clean specially the keyboard area because here the dust enter easily

keep away your food , tea from laptop

if your are going somewhere with laptop keep your laptop in bag

always keep good antivirus program install in your laptop

set your battery on recommended option so battery life not reduce

if you go to travel more than keep password in your laptop

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Effective Weight loss tips :

weight loss is the major problem for people specially fat people most are frastrated due to their weight and many wants to control their weight but they can not do that many people ignore this problem and they dont realize that it it the root of diseases.

1. Every human has different body and specially their digestion system is different you will find many people who eats lot and dont care of their diet but they are smart and their weight always remain balance so first understand how is your digest system what your body support well and what not only you can understand your body well than others .

2. Control your diet donot eat much fast food and oily food in many culture they prefer to eat good food in the night and ignore in lunch and breakfast time that is not good try to eat good in breakfast and in lunch because here you have plenty of diet to digest but in the night you just have couple of hour or may be you just eat and sleep it is very dangerous if you eat and sleep wait couple or hour at least an hour after eating .

3. Many diet plans and medicine are used to control the weight but first control yourself change your habits than these plans and medicine will work.

4. walking and jogging are very workable to control your weight but this should be effective like if you get sweat during jogging that is best .

5. Avoid junk food , meals and convert yourself to fruits , vegetables , juices and increase the consumption of water that help to clean your body from inside and decrease fat .

6 if you want fast weight loss then do excercise and join club with the advice of coache increase the time of your exercise day by day not start directly for more hours .

Monday 9 May 2011

Cheap Interior design Tips :

Everyone wants to decorate their home beautyfully but there is always many problems are like what design to select , color combination and most important is the design you select are much expensive which are not affordable and because of economies now all focus on cheap interior ideas so to keep this importance there are taken some cheap interior tips by which you can decorate your home with out spending a Hugh amount .

1. select colors that suits your mood and feel comfortable not that trend is going on some normal furniture with light colors are always best match and give great look to the room .

2. if you want some good effect for the color instead of color you can use wallpapers because it provide lot available design and great combination of colors you can find with less price .

3. you can use picture frames in your room specially the color of frames should match with wallpaper or your room color that is cheap because get your favourite picture which you have and convert into the frame .

4. use some different vase and flower in your room to decorate that are not expensive and it will give good effect in your house .

5. if you have cabinet in the room make it fill with some good stuff like crokries , toys , time pieces etc .

6. window blinds could be used they also give better look but if you campare prices with other window stuff and you find this is cheap than it is good option .

Saturday 7 May 2011

Amazing Beauty Tips

1. Petroleum jelly or vaseline : how attractive you look if you have big eye lashes womens better know the value of eyelashes so there is tip that if you want big eyelashes and somehow your eyelashes has burned use Vaseline put into the top of your eyelashes through your fingers before sleep and wash it in the morning in short time you will realize that your eyelashes has growing fast and not just that your eyelashes will be thick and shiny .

2. Lip Foundation : if you want you libstik color should look real and more attractive than there is a tip that you can apply before putting color on your lip use your foundation on your lip before apply color on it. your
 lip color will be same as your skin than apply the color it will look real and attractive and some time color might be change which will give new color combination .

3. Self tanner : Self tanner are used to glow the face or give some color attraction on face there is some tip while using that product when apply on the face  avoid the under line area of eyes and nose and do not apply on that areas because that light shade together with dark shade on other face area will match and give good attraction , use good products that just glow the face not very dark color shade and using self tanner help you to avoid full make up when you do not want full make up you can use just self tanner it will give great glow to your face .

4. Brushes : do you wash your brushes if you do not then you putting back bactaria on your face when you do make up for that you can get brush cleaner products or you can use baby shampoos and your own shampoo but do wash .

5. Spunch : Always use new spunch every time you clean your face for make up or acne purpose avoid using same spunch again  and again that put bacteria on your face .

6. Lotion : Foundation is very important for every women desire because all make up is depand on it to make your foundation perfect apply lotion to all over your face give it few second than go to apply foundation it will give amazing glow on your face .

Friday 6 May 2011

what to consider before design a kitchen ?

we always want to set the best kitchen in our house select the best designs , colors , style  and we are ready to spend lot money on design the good kitchen get different best and new designing ideas but we forget very important things that kitchen is important place where families spend plenty than other and it is the working place here are few important tips are mention that should be in mind while design the kitchen .

1. Kitchen area should be large it is traditional thought that small kitchen area is better and should be in
    corner of the house no today it is not like that keep kitchen in the good side of house and size should be
    big and where easy access can be done like now a days people prefer to keep their kitchen on loon
    where they feel easy .

2. Kitchen need the ventilation because it is the hot place it need the fresh air and hot air could be realeasd
    if some how there is no window or space for ventilation than it create problem for whole family specially
    who manage the kitchen even if you have keep small kitchen to keep this process so go ahead because
    it is important in priority .

3. keep extra stoves in the kitchen because many time more food has to be ready  it help to save  the time so
    keep this in your priority .

4. cabinet are more important in kitchen to keep the stuff so quantity of cabinet should be more and there is
   at least one kitchen table with 4 or 6 chairs depand on size of family or area of kitchen it help like many time
   to eat in kitchen , celebration etc so it create easyness to food maker to surf food easily .

5. Most important thing is assess yourself that how you feel comfort in kitchen because you will spend more
   time here and what things are which fit with your mood , what you thing is important in kitchen .

Thursday 5 May 2011

How to reduce risk in Stock Market

Stock market is the riskier market you cannot reduce the risk at zero level when you enter for high returns there is chance of big loss but if we focus on few tips we can reduce the risk .

1. Blue chip   Invest in blueship companies whose chances of going down is low than others blueship companies who are famous and best one in stock market.

2. News        As we know there is great impact of news and economic condition on stock market or specific company so keep knowledge of what is happening related to economic or in the world if you thing some good news attached with company so there is chances of price to go up and if bad news is coming than chances of price go down increases. 

3. Intrinsic Value   There is always a real value behind the price of stock in the market it should be check before purchasing if the intrinsic value is low than prices falling chances are there but if the intrincic value is high than actual value then there is chance that price will go up .

4. Financial Statement we can check companies health by looking at their statements which are enclosed for public yearly quarterly and 6 month period  that information can give us best idea the most important part is their profit ratio the dividend paying ratio and also how much company is depending on loan these ratio should be good . 

Wednesday 4 May 2011

how to keep your skin fresh and Soft in summer

when summer comes it is very hard to care of your skin fresh , soft and shiny due to hot temperature and sweating  that increase the dirtiness and important the sunlight which damage the skin and problem like dard spot whiteness become dull of face but we really want to care our skin and very conscious about it because the face is the most important part of the body and it is one which is effected more than other parts so we should care more than others for that we use different methods and creams which is also good but we ignore many things that is also important for our skin which are mention there .

1. Drink : As we know that in summer water consumption is increased in our body so we should take more glasses of water and specially juices so out all body requirement are filled and it help our body to maintain soft and fresh if your are going outside . drink very cold water before leave it will help u to remain cool till long time .

2. Cream : we should use good brand cream to save the face from sunlight because that effect more our face skin than others parts do not go out side before afflying cream.

3. Face Wash : face you wash many times in a day it removes dirt from the face specially before going outside   it work as a cover of your face if you are very tired wash face with cold water it help u use good brand face wash if possible .

4. Fruits : Fruits help to maintain your sking fresh and soft because fruits are full of vitamins and proteins so increase the quantity of fruits that you eat .

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Match your Hair style with Age

Womens are very conscious about their hairstyle and they should be because hairstyle are main part of face which give face look and attraction thats the reason many time they are confused what is best and suits on their faces if your age is between 18 to 25 it is the time where you can see which style suits more on your face and you can try different styles even funky style and color at this time its not necessary you keep long hair short hair suits more at this age because at this age your hair are stronger and will support any style .but when your cross this age and move to ahead between 25 to 35 here you become little care full because now you cannot try every thing you enter into your career or marriage life but it also depend on your lifestyle and profession so match your hair style with your lifestyle you can go with big hair and even short hair if it match your lifestyle . when moving age between 35 to 45 here you can not try any style or colors because at this time hair start to become weak you hair need more care now your shampoo , oil , diet should be perfect this will help also in old age long hair at this time look more beautiful but if short hair suits more on you than you can go because in short hair age also look short try now new colors dark and light so suits you perfect moving ahead after age 45 now here many women look good in their original white color combination but many goes with colors specially dark color do not be panic here of your age take advice from others about your new hair styles , color and size of your hair .

Monday 2 May 2011

Which Mutual Fund is Best for Me ?

If you are looking to invest your money in Mutual Fund you should consider few things so more benefits can be taken and we can save us from loss .

1. Type of Mutual Fund : First of all we will se the type of mutual fund like equity type , debt type ,  mixture of  both and project fund this explain the where the fund manager will invest the money it is very necessary because we should know that where our investment will go and what is the chances of return or loss  .

2. Purpose of Fund : Most of the time the fund companies has certain purpose of the fund they show something else and use the money somewhere else so be sure that fund is clearly mention their purpose .

3. Criteria of Investment : We will see that how the fund is diversified the investment what is the portion of investment in equity or stock exchange because it is much risky side for investment and the portion of low rist investment that also called debt side of portion or many other portion of investment . this portion of investment show the how riskier is the fund is it more risky or less risky so we can predict our returns .

4.  Our own Requirement : The most important one is we should focus what is our own requirement from the fund example looking for retirement or looking for eduction of the children , looking for some extra profits etc whatever is the requirement but this should be match with fund then we can get return as we want .

5.  Fund Manager : we should see the management that who will run the fund , his experience , qualification , and most important how much is the management fees which they deduct from returns .

6.  Past Performance :  if you cannot see all things then past performance is the best option you can see which tells how they performed their fund in the past and what was their past profit returns  .  

Tips to Increase your Storage Space :

Many people face the problem of storage space in their house and they are frustrated by this but if we look some few options and ways we can get good storage space .

1. Shelves :  usually we dont have enough space for cupboards in our house specially in apartments so we have solution that we can increase the shelves in kitchen or room if we have short room still we can take the help of shelves to keep our stuff if you think that will look bad in your room then matching color shelves could be the best .

2. Cabinet : cabinets are the most famous way to keep your stuff secure and save and mostly are used in kitchen because it increase the beautifulness of the kithen if your are facing the problem of storage they move to the cabinet in your house and in good color and style are available in cabinets even if we make the border of upper side of cabinet more space is available to keep stuff on roof of cabinet .

3. Furniture storage : we can select the furniture which is associated with some storage options like some bed , cupboards have extra storage options even in table or chair has this option so move to these good furniture it helps you lot .

4. Changing  room setting :

most of the time the placment of furniture in the room is not correct therefore it cannot create more spaces for extra cupboards and cabinets so change the setting for your room to generate extra space not just that many time we focus to use big bed , big tables and extra furniture that is not being used in the house therefore we have less space for our stuff and even sitting capacity become the problem so just avoid those furniture which is not being used or whose utilization is not good .

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